Archive for the ‘Aadhar’ Category

UIDAI has introduced an new updated ‘QR code’ on Aadhar card which will now have details like name, address, photo, and date of birth.Earlier Photograph was not embeded in QR code .For  offline user verification can be done  without  providing the 12-digit aadhar number. number.

This would be especially handy for establishing the identity with non-statutory entities, say, the likes of online shopping portals when delivering goods.

Aadhaar holders can download and print their biometric ID with the QR code from the website of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) or its mobile app.
A QR code is a form of barcode label which contains machine-readable information.
Users can manually blacken the Aadhaar number and use the printout with the new QR code for establishing their identity, offline too.

For example, when an online shopping delivery delivers the item and  delivery man asks for ID, Aadhaar holder can show him the printed QR code which when scanned (through an updated QR code reader on Aadhaar site) would read non-sensitive information.With this name, address, date of birth and photo, can be feteched and thus easily identity, It will also ensure that Aadhaar holder is genuine and not using any tampered ID documents.

Ajay Bhushan Pandey, CEO of Aadhaar-issuing body UIDAI, said: “The offline QR code is a landmark development which will allow everyone to establish their identity through offline verification without giving out Aadhaar number”.
He added: “Only in those places where Aadhaar number is required under the law including banks, telecom companies, or for availing subsidies, one will have to go through the authentication process.

Finally UIDAI has implemented Virtual ID creation in Beta phase . Now user need not worry about telling their aadhar number to unknown person .Virtual ID acts a wrapper over aadhar number . Is mask your aadhar number with 16 digit random number. Wherever aadhar card number is required you can provide you virtual ID that is 16 digit number.The ‘Virtual ID’ will be made compulsory for all agencies undertaking authentication from June 1, 2018.Agencies failing to meet the above deadline will be faced with financial disincentives

How to Generate your 16 digit Virtual ID ?
Pre-requisite : Your valid registered mobile number should be added to your Aadhar data to receive OTP for authentication

1) Navigate to this URL
2) Enter your Aadhar number .
3) Enter the OTP that you got on your registered mobile number.
4) For first time user click on Generate VID
5) Then Submit the form .

After successful verification of OTP your VID ( that is Virtual ID ) will be provided on your registered mobile number as SMS.

In case user forget this VID that is Virtual ID then they can follow same steps mention above but only in 4th step you need to select option for Retrieve VID .

By this method now you need not to share Aadhar number .All you need to share your Virtual ID .

What is Virtual ID

The Virtual ID is a random 16-digit number.
*The ID can be generated as many time as possible.
*The older ID gets automatically cancelled once a fresh one is generated.
*Users can go to the UIDAI website to generate their virtual ID which will be valid for a defined period of time, or till the user decides to change it.
*The ID, along with the biometrics of the user, would give any authorised agency, like a mobile company, limited details like name, address and photograph, which are enough for any verification.
*Agencies that undertake authentication would not be allowed to generate the Virtual ID on behalf of the user.
*UIDAI also introduced the concept of ‘limited KYC’, which will provide need-based or limited details of a user to an authorised agency providing a particular service
*The ‘Virtual ID’ will be made compulsory for all agencies undertaking authentication from June 1, 2018.Agencies failing to meet the above deadline will be faced with financial disincentives

you’re looking to link your mobile number with Aadhaar with the new IVRS method, here’s how you can do it.

1) Dail 14546 from your mobile phone and wait for the IVR voice.
2) Once the call gets connected, you will be asked to select the language. Select language as per the instructions.
3) Now, you will be directed to enter the Aadhaar number. Once after you entering the Aadhaar number, telecom operator will send the Aadhaar details entered by you to UIDAI for verification.
4) Once verified, you will receive an OTP, which you need to enter during the call itself. After entering the OTP, the call can be disconnected. After that, you will receive a confirmation SMS.

That’s it; there’s no need to visit any operators store like earlier

Now a days 12 digit Aadhar is very important to Indian citizen.Various service is using aadhar authentication to verify the identity like SIM connection ,Gas Connection or even in some digital payment.

UIDAI has make the provision to view the history of authentication where citizen has made. This enable citizen to make aware of any unwanted authentication that he/she has not done.

Here is simple steps by which you can access authication history.

Navigate to  the official website of UIDAI’s Aadhaar Authentication History page (
2) Enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number and the captcha code shown on the screen
3) Click on Generate OTP button.
4) Enter the OTP sent to your mobile number registered in the Aadhaar data

The page  that opens, contains specific authentication request types such as biometric, demographic, and so on from the filter option. It also allows you to select the date range — but only up to six months before the current date.
6) You will have to do the OTP verification once again here

 Once OTP is verified, you will be able to see a detailed list of Aadhaar authentication requests. Here, you can check the date, time, and type of authentication request.
In case you see any Aadhaar authentication data which was not requested by you, you can raise the issue with UIDAI.

In yet another good move by UIDAI ,Today they have launched android based apps mobile apps which enable user to carry their aadhar card digitally and share its information digitally.
You can download this apps and try from Google Play

In this apps you need to create profile using your aadhar number. For this you need to have registered mobile number on your aadhar detail. Here you can add multiple aadhar information for your family member also for quick reference. To use this apps you need to set a password first.

Lets list out option and feature for this  this apps

1) View Profile( Name ,Gender,DOB,Photo )
2) Address detail
3) Aadhar number
4 Share Profile : This is is very unique option which enables aadhar holder to share their profile information and address with service provider through QR code,Near Field communication (NFC),email. If you are going to share by email then it will contain a ZIP file which will have a data in XML format with all the relevant filed of Aadhar field

5) This apps also provide to lock bio metric option that means If you have lock the bio metric data then you cannot authenticate using your thumb and iris data.It is recommended to keep the bio metric lock  disable which will help to authenticate e-KYC as when required by various agency. Further still someone whats to keep a lock on their bio metric then this is very good to keep the bio metric detail in lock mode . With the help of this apps you can enable lock mechanism and apply lock on your bio metric detail and whenever you require to authenticate using your bio-metric detail you can unlock it temporarily for 30 min. After 30 min it will automatically get locked.

The Best part I liked in this apps is Locking mechanism of Bio-metric detail which helps to keep bio-metric detail  safe. Further there can me one more enhancement in this apps which will help to download Full PDF version of Aadhar.If  user can download Aadhar in PDF on apps and and user can share this then it will be a one more handly way to share aadhar card.