Archive for the ‘OpenOffice’ Category

To create a PDF Form you will need OpenOffice. As far as I know Microsoft Office doesn’t support PDF export. You can easily get the OpenOffice suite here:

Open now OpenOffice Writer which is similar to MS Word of microsoft . You can now handle this page as you usually do as any other written document. But your question surely is: How do I insert form controls/fields?
To insert Form controls and fields go on View -> Toolbars -> Form Controls .This will show you a toolbar with plenty of useful form stuff such as Labels, Text Boxes, Check Boxes, etc…
In this toolbar you will also find another useful button, More Controls which allows you to insert even more controls.
Inserting form controls in your page should not be a problem. Just find a layout you like. You can treat this elements exactly as any other element like an image, a paragraph or whatever. With a right click on the object you can modify its properties. Really intresting are the “Control…” and “Data…” entries which allow you to set advanced properties of your newly creted object.
Once you have created your form it’s time to create the PDF file. You can click on the “Export directly as PDF” button directly from OpenOffice’s standard bar or either go on File->Export as PDF and select some more advanced options.
There you are! Now you have your PDF Form. You can fill it and print it obtaining a really standard piece of paper, useful if you have to collect lots of the same information from many people.This type of pdf form is usually used on internet by end user to fill it over computer and take print out and submit the form.
Please note that you PDF module won’t be saveable. You can just have to fill it in and take a print in order not to loose their work!