Archive for the ‘Web Real Time Communications’ Category

Google Chrome desktop browser and Chrome for Android include now support for WebRTC (Web Real Time Communications), an emerging web standard that helps  real-time audio and video capabilities to their web applications without the need for plug-ins or proprietary codecs.
There are various  apps has capabilities like voice calling, audio & video conferencing, video broadcasting, screencasting and screen sharing in the browser via simple JavaScript without requiring plugins.

Some of  web apps are like, to Video /Voice chat Screen sharing without  installation or download anything. Only you require is the latest Chrome browser.

There’s a little setting in Chrome that you need to enable . Type chrome://flags in your Chrome’s address bar, find the setting that says “Enable screen capture support in getUserMedia()”, click the Enable button and restart your Chrome browser. and allow you to share your desktop screen with anyone though the Chrome browser. These web apps will use your microphone and webcam to initiate voice  and video.Apart from this it will also help in screen sharing. It seem screen sharing software programs like TeamViewer, or even Skype will get some what obsolete 😀

I like because it allow  private room chat so you can protect your screen sharing URLs with a secret password. is primarily an app for video chat with  desktop sharing with all the other meeting participants.  It can support  up to 8 people in the video chat  and invitees can join the room by simply entering a unique URL.

The quality of streaming video is much better than any chat client ,This apps works on Browser itself that means no extra installation required. they can be used on all platforms on Google Chrome browser. On of this demetit is that this feature is not supported on Internet explorer and Safari